The Best Solar Installers in Chico Will Custom Design A System for You
Once upon a time the best solar installers in Chico catered to a niche market, installing residential solar systems for affluent environmentally conscious clientele.
Now these solar systems are more affordable and accessible than ever before, but it’s important to make sure that you are working with the right company.
One, amongst the many, many advantages that the best solar installers in Chico have over their competition is that they truly understand how the technology for residential solar systems has changed and improved over the years so that not only is it more efficient, but it can now help you earn and save money in a shorter amount of time, and even provide increase the value of your home.
This understanding means that the best solar installers in Chico will custom design a system for you to boost your energy production, in turn also increasing your long-term energy savings potential.
As mentioned, the technology for residential solar systems in Chico has evolved significantly over the years, leading to increased efficiency, affordability, and financial benefits for homeowners.
The following is an overview of how Chico solar installers are able to bring solar technology and all its benefits into your home:
- Improved Efficiency – The advances in solar panel technology have resulted in higher efficiency rates that can convert more sunlight into electricity. Early on the efficiency rates were around 10% but today’s panels are operating at a 20% efficiency rate or higher. This means your residential solar system can create more electricity using fewer panels in order to maximize their energy production potential.
- Declining Costs – Due to the advancements in the manufacturing processes, increased competition and economies of scale in the solar industry the costs have dropped significantly over the last ten years for the price of solar panels. Because the cost of solar panels has decreased, it means the cost of installing a residential solar system overall has decreased making it more accessible to the average Chico homeowner.
- Improved Inverter Technology – Inverters, which are the component that converts sunlight into useable electricity have become more efficient at converting. Advanced inverters also offer additional features such as MPPT (maximum power point tracking) and grid-tied functionality that optimizes your energy production and allows you to export excess electricity to the grid for net metering programs.
- Financing Options and Incentives – Lenders have created solar-specific financing such as solar leases, PPAs (power purchase agreements) and solar loans making it easier for Chico homeowner to go solar without the large upfront payment. When you factor in government incentives such as tax credits, rebates and net metering programs, the costs can become even lower, further increasing on financial rewards and energy savings.
Book a consultation with the best solar installers in Chico to find out for yourself how the combination of technological advancements, declining costs, favorable financing options and supportive government policies have evolved residential solar energy from a premium luxury home addition to a mainstream energy solution that not only benefits the environment but also puts money back in your pocket.